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Sabrina Carrero (Class of 2019) was interested in Breakthrough New York from the moment she sat through a presentation at her middle school. Impressed by the thought of having guidance to get into college, Sabrina joined the program and instantly formed a support group of her peers. She was nominated by Breakthrough to be a Posse scholar and graduated from Brandeis University.

A Visit to the White House

Breakthrough New York provides many opportunities for its students to engage with their communities and learn more about the world around them. In 2015, Sabrina was selected with a classmate to visit the White House as part of the Reach Higher initiative. She attended a conference on college prep resources, networked with others from across the country, and of course, met President and Mrs. Obama.

“I’ll never forget [it],” Sabrina says of the experience. “I never would have done that without Breakthrough. I loved it.”

On the PA Track

Sabrina earned her bachelor’s degree in biology and is currently pursuing a master’s from St. John’s University to become a physician’s assistant. She had always been interested in health, and she gained exposure to the healthcare field as a medical assistant and PT aide.

“I’m so excited to be the person to [give] the care,” she says. “It’s been a thrill so far meeting many people who are also motivated to make a difference in healthcare and who also want to give back to communities.”

When asked about the biggest accomplishment in her life so far, Sabrina replied that she cannot pinpoint one single moment. “I’ve done so much – I don’t want to pick just one thing because they all hold so much value in my life. The journey is the main thing I’m proud of.”

Connect with Sabrina on LinkedIn.

39 Broadway, Suite 820
New York, NY 10006
[email protected]
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