Every fall, Breakthrough New York 8th graders complete a high school options curriculum. This curriculum is designed to introduce students to the various types of high schools and create a plan for applying to their schools of choice. Daman and Jeremy are 8th graders...
Share your alumni story at [email protected]! Sabrina Carrero (Class of 2019) was interested in Breakthrough New York from the moment she sat through a presentation at her middle school. Impressed by the thought of having guidance to get into college, Sabrina joined...
Breakthrough New York 8th graders complete a rigorous high school options curriculum that teaches them about different types of schools and helps them apply. Wenbo Jiao is a Breakthrough seasonal staff member who has served in a variety of different positions,...
Breakthrough New York seniors are beginning to receive their college acceptance letters! Check back often as more schools are added to the list. Receive updates when we announce the final college picks this spring by joining our newsletter list. Adelphi University...
Mansia is a high school senior who exercises her love for sports, learning, and community work through extracurricular activities. Mansia (Class of 2027) has been in the Breakthrough New York program for six years. During those years, she met peers from different...